
sunset in the city

took an interesting online quiz today... here my results:

Jaclyn completed the quiz "What Tim Burton character are you? " with the result Edward Scissorhands.

You give the quote "nothing is what it seems" its real meaning! Beneath a falsely misleading appearance or first impression, you have a heart of gold and value friendship more than many others, so much that you would isolate yourself in sacrifice of the best interests of someone you love. You deserve more than you get, but it takes time and effort knowing you for people to understand they have the real deal here. You are totally original although too idealistic, which makes it difficult for you to be understood.


delicious lunch

berbigão a bilhão pato [cockles in garlic sauce].

red wine form the alentejo region of portugal & a nice cold beer.


inglourious basterds

So i watched Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds last night. And it was HILARIOUS. Tarantino's movies are normally hit or miss with me. Well, to be completely honest, they're more often than not a complete miss. This film, however, was definitely a hit. I fully enjoyed the movie, although completely gruesome at times, the two hours and thirty-two minutes never seemed to drag. And i feel that all the scenes in the film were vital to the story. Let me just say, it has a GLORIOUS ending. =]

Brad Pitt's southern accent was so horrible, it was hilarious. 



message for a loved one

not to sound like a big baby... but i totally miss my parents.  


sushi lunch

in case you haven't noticed. i like to take pictures of my food. ^_^



chocolatey nutella crepe & a nice warm chai. so good together.
not to mention, great company. =]


cotton <3

this entire outfit needs to find a way into my closet.
i'll take that adorable bicycle too! =]


while at the movies...

i saw this awesome poster for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. i can't wait until March 2010!!! it looks amazing! I think Johnny Depp looks phenomenal as The Mad Hatter.

i apologize for the glare & mirrored images in the glass. i snapped a quick photo with my phone, on the go.. as to not appear to be a creep who takes pictures of movie posters. ^_^

p.s. i totally enjoyed District-9, although i think i might be the only person to have found it to be quite sad.


i carry your heart with me

so happy my polaroid film arrived!! =]

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

by ee cummings

one of my favorite poems.


love of music & friends

tonight my friends played an acoustic set at a local italian feast. it was a great time. i mean, who could ask for more... good food, a cold beer, great music & great friends. although, i could have done without the humidity. i was melting out there... there are very few people i would do that for. that's friendship. =]


these boys are in a band, known as A True Story. their shows are loads of fun. be sure to check them out.


unhealthy obsession

i need one of these for my home. haha.


farewell to the original guitar hero \,,/.

the legendary Les Paul died today. sad, yes, but he accomplished an awful lot in his 94 years on this earth.

without Les Paul, we would not have rock and roll as we know it. "His inventions created the infrastructure for the music and his playing style will ripple through generations. He was truly an architect of rock and roll."

not only was Les Paul a great musician, he also pioneered the solid-body electric guitar [the modern day electric guitar]. he also invented recording techniques that revolutionized the music industry.

guitarist Joe Satriani called Paul "the original guitar hero," and i couldn't agree more. "Les Paul set a standard for musicianship and innovation that remains unsurpassed."

RIP Les Paul


(500) days of summer

"this is not a love story. it's a story about love."

i loooooooooved this movie. in my opinion it is a pretty accurate depiction of relationships and dating. or, at least what i believe to be true as far as relationships are concerned. there always seems to be the one person in the relationship who feels just a bit more deeply/strongly. i feel as though, more often than not, there isn't an equal amount of love/devotion from both parties involved.

i was ecstatic that i was finally able to convince some friends to go see this film with me. i must admit, i was a little worried at first that they might not enjoy the film. but director Marc Webb did such an amazing job with this film, my friends ended up loving it! 
there is this amazing split-screen scene in the movie... it's Expectations vs. Reality, and it is beautiful, heartbreaking, simple, and it MADE the movie for me.

(500) days of Summer doesn't follow a traditional story line, or any particular style for that matter. it stands out. maybe these qualities are what caused me to fall in love with this movie. it's completely refreshing! funny, quirky, heartbreaking, inspiring... i could go on but, i won't. 

i'll end on this note: go see this film. you will not be disappointed.

p.s. the soundtrack is pretty amazing as well. =]


urban summer

eleven80 by summer. ;]


lago maggiore, italia

one of my dearest friends is currently living in italy. he recently visited Lago Maggiore and sent me some photos that he snapped while there.
i fell in love with this one shot. 

a day in the garden


i get by...

...with a little help from my friends.

my friend sofe organized an artists' flea market at a local tapas bar. she sold her fancy headbands, with crocheted flowers [pictured above]... i bought a couple. =]

saturday night = new shoes!
and a great night with friends. =]


last night's incubus concert

the youtube video isn't mine... but they were just soo sooo soooooo amazing last night [as they always are] that i wanted to share a little bit of the awesomeness. [turned into a little dance party at one point.]
their shows never disappoint.


amusing myself while waiting for incubus to take the stage.

the crowd + brandon boyd on screen.

aqueous transmissions


little piggies



well, hello.

outside my window...

"isn't it nice to know that the lining is silver?
isn't it nice to know that we are golden?" 
- relient k