
missed them

the long weekend + the blizzard means i hadn't seen these munchkins in a few days.

hugs. <3



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my little artist

not too shabby for a 2 year old [with a little help]. ;]

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Aid for Aidan

so, about 2 months ago, i ordered a print from Aidan's Monsters, and today it finally arrived!

Aidan is a cute little 5 year old boy, who loves all things scary. on september 13, 2010 Aidan was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).
Aidan loves to draw, and his family had the genius idea of selling his prints as a way to help pay for his medical bills.

you can read more about Aidan here.
or buy one of his prints on etsy.

now, i just need to frame this wonderful piece of art:

hugs. <3

to: your heart

winter has only officially begun this week, and i'm already over it. i'm so ready for spring/summer. =]

hugs. <3


christmas mailing

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christmas card crunch time!

here are some cute/funny christmas card designs:

tonight i'll be writing out my christmas cards & howling at the moon.
staying up for the lunar eclipse!
it’s been 372 years since the last lunar eclipse to fall on the winter solstice. AND it’ll be another 84 years before both meet again. the moon is supposed to change from brown, to orange, to blood red, etc. i hope i can stay up! =]

hugs. <3



battleship; i'm winning!

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feather in her hair...

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drawing again...

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nerd alert

finally got my distance glasses!

for over 2 years now i've gone back and forth with the idea of getting wayfarer-type distance glasses; but once i saw other people wearing them.. i'll admit, i was turned off from the idea. i don't know why the idea of having similar glasses to others bothered me as much as it did. must be an underlying issue that stems from years and years of wearing uniforms. lol. however, when it was time for me to get new glasses, i wasn't drawn to any other glasses. so alas, i have my RayBan Wayfarer™ specs.
officially on the "cool kids" bandwagon.

here are a couple photos of me being silly.

hugs. <3


random gifts are the best!

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oh, [office cubicle] christmas tree

just trying to spread the holiday cheer 'round the office.

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Happy Birthday T.

we miss you.

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macy's holidays.

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it's that time of year...

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the old roomie


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a texas thanksgiving

here are some photos of my short stay in texas.
i had a great time in good company. i love my ladies.
lots of food and laughs... mostly food though. haha.

hugs. <3

note: i need to give credit to my dear friend sofia tomé for the following photos:

hotel grounds with trees down the middle
jo's coffee cup
guitar playing cowboy
me stuffing my face with cupcake
me drinking out of a giant coffee mug

stop by her blog where is sofia on tumblr.


greetings from austin, tx

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happy thanksgiving

among all the wonderful people and things in my life that i'm thankful for, handmade gifts from great friends are the bees knees.

happy thanksgiving!

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picked up my new readers today; they're kind of pretty. still waiting on my distance glasses though, thank God i'm not blind or anything. i'm kind of excited for my new glasses. it had been about 5 years since my last eye exam. tisk, tisk, i know. =]

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thanksgiving wishes for a friend, miles & miles away

sending some love... and some good tunes. =]

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noite de fado

great night of portuguese fado in really good company. ;]

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basic food group!

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pumpkin pie bites

[whipped cream not pictured.]

it's that time of year again; up all night baking for my job's annual "turkeyless thanksgiving" potluck.
tomorrow's lunch will include lots of homemade NOMS! my tummy is quite excited. =]

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fundraiser luncheon

my +1; so pretty.

i'm in love with my floral tights. ^_^

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sisterly love

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castanhas e vinho

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saturday night

i had a wonderful time last night with some lovely ladies.

hugs. <3