threscaa look back at my new year's resolutions from last year; how successful was i? hmmm.
1. stop hitting the snooze button on my alarm.
- this one didn't work out too well. 2. get out and do more things that make me happy.
- i did3. try my best to complain less.
- hmmm. still working on this one.4. smile more.
- i believe i did.5. finish the books accumulating in my “to read” pile.
- doesn't seem to diminish since i keep adding to it.
6. i will enjoy life more.
- i have.7. i will get organized.
- i have not.8. eat healthier.
- everything in moderation. lol.9. buy a vintage schwinn, and bike ride regularly.
- i realized living in a not so "nice" area, doesn't really give me much opportunity for bike riding... so this is a negative.10. learn how to speak some basic french & Italian.
- definitely need it for this year. fingers crossed.11. start painting & drawing again.
- done.12. finish spare room/office.
- rolling this over to the new year. still haven't committed to what i want done in that room.13. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! -
major fail. lol.14. learn to sew.
- no sewing machine = no sewing. working on this one.15. travel to places i’ve never been.
- i did.16. take more pictures [experiment more].
- did that too.17. start writing again.
- lack of inspirations, i think they call it "writer's" block.18. get my puppy!
- changed my mind after dog sitting this summer. think i'll wait a while before doing this one.19. finish what i start.
- not sure about... ;]20. find something completely unique or completely forgotten & use it as inspiration.
- done.21. stop staring at my feet when i walk.
- tough one. still working on it.22. go see more local bands & concerts.
- definitely did this one.23. have an amazing/creative 28th birthday. [maybe rent out a skating rink?]
- fail.24. make the shelving in my bedroom closet functional.
- in progress.25. buy a pair of TOMS shoes.
- bought 3.26. go outside of my comfort zone more.
- done to a degree.27. STOP PROCRASTINATING.
- don't know that this will ever happen.28. keep making to-do lists.
- did, AND do.29. embrace old traditions and have a blast creating new ones.
- this was done.30. try every creative medium i possibly can.
- tried some new ones.31. tell people i love that i love them, more often.
- don't think i've ever had an issue with doing this one.32. stop worrying and being so anxious about the unknown. the adventure is in the spontaneity.
- i'm still a worry wart.33. recycle and donate as much as possible.
- probably not as much as possible; could've done more.34. randomly send little gifts/cards to my favorite people.
- yup. rolling this one over to the new year.35. laugh at least once a day. [this is absolutely crucial].
- successful. the following are my goals for 2011the following are in addition to rolling over most of my 2010 goals:
1. love more
2. exercise more
3. paris/porto/roma - SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!
4. brush up on les francais and el italiano.
5. put family first / spend more time with the big bro.
6. make time for the people in my life that matter; and the ones that make time for me.
7. cook/bake more.
8. be more crafty.
hugs. <3